PinnedMichelle Berry LaneAll Our RelationsAn examination of the brilliance of our living earth, the challenges of climate change, and a meditation on some ways we might approach…Nov 2, 20207Nov 2, 20207
PinnedMichelle Berry LaneinWeeds & WildflowersLunar EclipseA Poem offered for the November 30, 2020 Lunar EclipseDec 3, 20203Dec 3, 20203
Michelle Berry LaneinScritturaClarionSaturday Poetry Prompt: a borrowed stanzaNov 26, 20214Nov 26, 20214
Michelle Berry LaneinScritturaBread of the DeadSaturday Poetry Prompt: out of thin air/into the shadowOct 20, 20216Oct 20, 20216
Michelle Berry LaneinScritturaThe Harbor of Your VoiceWednesday Prose Poem prompt (10/6): who do you see?Oct 12, 202111Oct 12, 202111
Michelle Berry LaneinWeeds & WildflowersAutumn Orange, Brilliant and SubtleDennett’s Prompt: October is all about OrangeOct 5, 20214Oct 5, 20214
Michelle Berry LaneinWeeds & WildflowersMorning on Hamlin Lake BayouOn a weathered dock in growing lightSep 28, 20217Sep 28, 20217
Michelle Berry LaneinScritturaLiving Within Your SkinWednesday prose poem prompt: scarificationSep 23, 20216Sep 23, 20216